Self Stories

I guess here you can write your own stories.

Current Self-Story Tellers:

Icefrost wandered the forest,hungry and lonely. "will i ever find another home!?" she yowl aloud. the onley response was the sound of her mournful voice boucing back to her in the form of an echo. Her emaciated body crumpled beneath her "i cant go on..." she whispered. A fat squirrell scampered along nearby, but Icefrost was too weak and starved to chase it. "i would have been able to hunt just fine" Icefrost thought to herself subconsiousely "but all those clan cats chased me off their territory before i got a chance". Her stomach contorted with the pain of starvation and Icefrost grunted in pain. "I wish i would just die already" she thot to herself bitterly. Suddenly a plump vole dropped in front of her "fresh kill!" she managed to croak. "yeah, i could hear ur pitiful groaning from all the way across the forest" growled a voice from nearby". A brown tabby shecat leaps down from a nearby beech, "Im Pheasant, and I just saved ur pathetic little life"
Icefrost looked at the vole, then back up to the tabby shecat then back again. "well, arnt you going to eat it?!" Pheasant barks, looking bored with the situation "or are you going to let rot here for the cyotes to eat?". "sorry.." Icefrost croaks and took a small bite. the vole was plump and juicy, and the flavor was warm and meaty, reminding her of the greenleaf days she spent as a rouge with her best friend, Jessamine, "but those days were short lived" thot Icefrost bitterly. "well it took you long enough" Pheasant mewed, snapping Icefrost back to the present in an annoyed tone "i woulda thtot u woulda starved already". Gaining more stregth with every bite, Icefrost slowly stood up shakily. *Pheasant shakes her head* "what are you a kittypet? stand like a real rouge!" Pheasant mews heartily and gives Icefrost a rough slap on the back. Icefrost staggered, caught off guard but dosent show her pain to Pheasant.
 *Pheasant sighs* "well if ur done tripping over ur own paws, i guess we should head over to my burrow..." Pheasant mews curtly "not like you can stay there!"Pheasant adds defensivly "just for a few days". "oh, ok. thanks!" Icefrost mews. "what ever lets just get goin" Pheasant growls. When they arrived at Pheasants den, Icefrost was rather taken aback, the den looked like an abandoned foxden, and a cruddy one at that. "i know its not much, so dont start complaining!" Pheasant growls as if reading Icefrosts mind. "oh... its...nice" Icefrost mewed,miling nervously , Pheasant just rolled her pale green eyes at the remark, "your a bad liar" she growled.Icefrost just stared at her snow-white paws. "well come on then! " Pheasant mews in her usual impatient tone"unless, youd rather just stand out here and freeze to death!" she mews and jumps down the foxhole. 
Icefrost reluctantly followed. the space was tight and she had to jump over several roots to get to Pheasants underground den. once she got to the den, Pheasant was standing in the middle of a suprisingly large foxden, but it had a cozy feel to it. the celing was made out of interwoven roots of the tree above, and the floor had golden dried grass strewn across the floor to cover up the soil. to one side a bunch of sweet smelling grasses wer piled up into some kind of nest. "well, would u mind not gawking at everything you see?!" Pheasant growls "oh no! its a piece of grass! lets stare at it and maybe a magical fairy princess will come and give me magical powers!" Pheasants exclaims sarcastically in a mock- Icefrost voice. Icefrost couldnt help but laugh, even tho she had no idea what a Fairy princess was. Pheasant rolls her eyes and laughed a bit herself. it was a sweet, high sound that reminded Icefrost of the bell kittypets wore arounnd their collars, it didnt fit her personality at all. Pheasant sits down on the golden hued grass and wrapped her tail around her paws. "well? are you gonna tell me u flippin story or not?"

Jetstream let loose a mournful yowl as he crouched, belly deep in mud. "why must she have died?!?!?" he yowled his voice carrying farther than anticipated. "i never should have met her. why had she insisted we meet?" he mutters, losing the will to live with every passing second. he allows his head to fall. he sees a blaze of orange. "whos ther." he croaks weakly. "someone whos saving your life." the stranger mews, grasping jetstreams scruff firmly in their jaws.
"tell me who u r." he grunts as the stranger heaves his amaciated body out of the mud hole. "my name is moonspirit. and i probably just saved your pelt." the strange shecat mews laying jetstream down gently. "nice cat. how did she find me?" he thought intrigued. "can u walk?" she continues. *he attempts to get up but his legs will no longer support him, no matter how much he weighed at the moment* "no i cannot." he gasps, exhausted after the massive effort it took to just attempt getting to his paws. his once lean nd muscular body was now slim and scrawny. "what happened to this cat? he must have been through alot to be this scrawny. he looks as if he cudnt catch a mouse if it wu\as dead nd at his paws!" moonspirit tought to herself with a slight shudder. 
*jetstream shakes his head as if to clear it* "i dont get it...... how did u find me??" he croaks, as a loud rumble escapes his belly. "ur kidding right? the whole forest could hav heard ur yowls. and u sound hungry. stay here ill be right back." moonspirit mews briskly, taking off into the forest. "where exactly would i go if i cant even stand?" jetstream growls shaking his head and laying it on his paws.
*jetstreams head throbbed with every beat of his heart from hunget* "tht cat better be back here soon." he thought with an edge he himself didnt understand. "i dont think i hav much longer left." *he has just closed his eyes wen the most welcome scent he has ever smelled in his life washed over him* "hey. hello? r u even alive?" moonspirit mews, pushing the dead body of a plump rabbit closer to the scrawny body of the cat. *jetstreamsonly response wuz the snap of his jaws as he devours the carcass* "slow down befor u get belly ache." moonspirits voice wuz almost a purr. *again his only response wuz a flick of his ears dismissively*
"Anyway what happened to u? And whats ur name?" moonspirit mews, easing herself onto her belly. *jetstream swallows* "i was chased off of thunderclan territory. they accused me of a crime i didnt commit." he says flatly nd with a slight shrug,"then i was chased far away from the border and eventually i wound up in tht mud hole." he continues. *moonspirit hesitates before asking the question tht she knew as soon as she asked it she would regret it* "what were you accused of?" she mews hesitantly. *a low growl rumbles in jetstreams throat* "they accused me of murdering their leader." he snarls. "my name is jetstream by the way." he says thru gritted teeth trying to control the seething anger building inside him.
*moonspirits eyes widen wen he mentions the "murder"* "you didnt, of course?" she mews tentatively. *jetstream hisses in anguish and disbelief* "of course i didnt!!! why would i kill my leader when i was deputy?!?! i have no wish for power or control!! i didnt eve want to be deputy!!" he fumes once again attempting to stand and this time he succeeds but he stands awkwardly. *mooonspirit flinches but recovers quickly* "i was just making sure!!!!" she mews her voice almost a growl. "and save your strength. its a long way to hiddenclan and no matter how much u weigh i am not carrying u." she continues. *jetstream looks at her caught off guard* "y-your taking me to your clan?" he mews in disbelief. "of course. why wouldnt i?" she answers with a flick of her tail against his ear. "im exiled from thunderclan for one. shadowclan is out to get me for some reason unknown to me is another. and also because i supposedly killed the thunderclan leader." he mews half laying half falling down.  FINISHED.


You know my story but I never finished. So far:
She was an odd cat because of her gift. She didn't want to be a kittypet or a Clan cat. "But what did i do?" she asked herself, "I fell in love with that cat from river clan and now i'm going to have kits." She gave birth to three kits. The first was a light orange, almost yellow with gray eyes. The second was white with green eyes. The third and smallest was black with blue eyes. She named them after the things she had learned about because of her gift, Griffin, Magic, and Dragon. She was happy to have them but then she remebered, she was in danger. "Their dad doesn't know they exist but i have to take them to him. He'll take good care of them and if i am ever safe again i can come and visit them. She picked up the three kits in her mouth and headed toward River Clan.
The she cat walked near the horse place, she needed to pass it to get to River Clan. A twoleg came out, she hated twolegs and started running. She was running so fast she didn't notice the hole in the ground and stumbled. Two of the kits flew out of her mouth and she was close to where the dog was so there was no time to pick them up again. "Fox dung!" she thought. "I can't stop now, i'll have to come back for them. She kept running until she was near River Clan camp. The only kit she was left holding was Dragon. "I'll come back with the others later." she told herself. Then she snuck into camp and into the warriors den. She prodded Fishleap awake and put her tail in his mouth to stop him from waking the others. He looked up at her in shock when he woke up. She gestured her head for him to follow her out. "What are you doing here?" Fishleap asked.
"Bringing you your kit." she repleid. "This is Dragonkit."
"What's a dragon?"
"Oh, they're big lizards that fly in the sky and breath fire."
Fishleap's eye's widdened. "Are they real."
"I don't think so. But would you just take her? I can't I'm in danger."
Fishleap nodded. "I'll take her." He looked at the little kit as his mate ran off. She needed milk. "I'll have to take her to one of the queens." Fishleap decided.
Fishleap took Dragonkit and placed her in front of Graymist. "What's this?" she asked.
"A kit, my kit. This is Dragonkit, her mom is in danger and can't take care of her."
"What's a dragon?"
"They're flying lizards who breath fire."
Graymist just gave him a disbelieving look and pushed Dragonkit in with her kits.
6 moons later: Dragonkit watched the water rusk near the edge of camp, today she would become an apprentice. Graymist had told her to go outside and play with the other kits until then but she never spent much time with them. "they don't understand me, besides I need some time alone every once and a while." she thought.
Then her dad walked up, she always like being with him. "Hey dad!" she said eagerly.
"Hello Dragonkit, ready to become an apprentice?" Dragonkit nodded. "Well, I know I'm not supposed to do this, but let me show you a few things outside of camp before you do."
"O.K." she said.
Fishleap walked Dragonkit through their teritory. "Where are we going?" she asked.
"I'm going to show you where the twoleg place is, there are dogs there and i don't want you getting in any trouble." She nodded and they kept walking.
"Let's go look." Dragonkit told him.Soon they were there, it was a big place and nothing like how cats lived. Still, somthing seemed familiar. "That's odd," Fish leap said, "I've never seen that before." he pointed his tail, near the twoleg place there was on odd yellow looking mist."No, we should get back," Fishleap called. But she paid no attention as she got closer to the mist. When she stepped into it though she realized what a terible mistake it had been, the mist was burning her eyes so she couldn't see. Dragonkit yewolled in pain, then someone grabbed her by the scruff of her neck. Fishleap had saved her.
Then a barking sound came. "Dragonkit run!" She tried to but something was wrong with her vision and she couldn't tell which way to go. As the barking got closer Fishleap picked her up and tossed her in the right direction. "Go! I'll hold off the dog." He turned and started to fight. Dragonkit ran.

Dragonkit ran all the way back to camp, it was getting late and all the cats seemed to look at her when she got there. At least she thought they did. It was hard to see for some reason. "Where have you been?" Graymist asked.
"Oh, um." She knew telling the truth wouldn't be a good idea. "I went to find dad."
"Did you find him?" someone asked.
"No." she lied.
The next day Dragonkit became an apprentice. She was taught about where the borders were, how to fight, and catch fish. Not all in the same day. But Fishleap wasn't coming back. The other cats were getting worried an going out to look for him. Several times she was asked if she knew anything but every time she said no. 
Dragonpaw couldn't sleep one night. She got up and decided to take a walk. 'Everyone asks if I know what happened to dad.' she thought. 'I do, but how can I tell them the truth. Besides, he's not dead, he can't be dead. Can he?'
Dragonpaw stopped. Something seemed wrong. She took a smell and realized she had crossed the Windclan border. She looked around, no one was near so she found what seemed to be a small hole in the ground and slept there for the night.

Dragonpaw woke up, for a second she forgot where she was. Once she remebered she realized there were cats outside the hole. She pushed further in. "I'm telling you I smell Riverclan." one of them said.
"We are close to their border. Now come on, we have to hunt." 
Dragonpaw sighed with releif as the two cats left. 'I suppose I should get back.' she thought. But in all truth, she realized she didn't want to go back.
It was a scary thought, but now she couldn't see a reason to go back. 'No one will miss me.' she thought. 'Graymist dosen't really care, and the other apprentices are mean to me.' She got out, but saw a problem. Windclan space was so open it would be easy for them to find her. She looked farther, Thunderclan and Shadow clan had all those trees. Slowly she started heading that direction.

Firemoon raced through the forest. Her heart pounded as she ran from a badger in her pursuit.
She then was hit by a set of long piercing claws.
The badger had caught her.
She scratched,bit,and hissed,but there was nothing she could do. She was about to have her life ripped out of her. But right as she knew she
was a goner,a flash of gray and white flew in front of her eyes. Mistymoon clawed at the beast's neck,but could only watch in horror as the wounded monster whacked the frail elder aside. Firemoon made a death blow to the top of the badger's skull,and watch it fall in torturous pain. 
She then ran over to Mistymoon. She was ready to go to StarClan.
"Mistymoon,I'm sorry. This is my fault."
"Firemoon,you did no wrong. It's my time to go.
I've lived a great life,and you were what made it worth wile." Mistymoon said in a solemn tone.
"I will always be with you."
"Goodbye.." Firemoon said;her words were filled with pain.
Mistymoon let out a small sigh,and closed her eyes forever.
Firemoon rested her head on her paws. Her mother gave her life for her kit.

Firemoon picked Mistymoon up with Stormcloud and carried her back to camp. They both said nothing;
they were filled with too much grief.
Everyone stopped and stared when the saw Mistymoon being carried to the center of the camp.
"What happened!?" Heatstar yowled.
"She basicly killed herself to save me." Firemoon
"I'm extremely at a loss for words. This must be 
hard,I'm sorry." Heatstar mewed.
"Everyone,pay your respects to Mistymoon. She'll be buried at dawn." Heatstar called.
Firemoon watched in agony as the Clan went to sit by Mistymoon. She promised herself she'd shred the next badger she saw.


  1. Icefrost wandered the forest,hungry and lonely. "will i ever find another home!?" she yowl aloud. the onley response was the sound of her mournful voice boucing back to her in the form of an echo. Her emaciated body crumpled beneath her "i cant go on..." she whispered. A fat squirrell scampered along nearby, but Icefrost was too weak and starved to chase it. "i would have been able to hunt just fine" Icefrost thought to herself subconsiousely "but all those clan cats chased me off their territory before i got a chance". Her stomach contorted with the pain of starvation and Icefrost grunted in pain. "I wish i would just die already" she thot to herself bitterly. Suddenly a plump vole dropped in front of her "fresh kill!" she managed to croak. "yeah, i could hear ur pitiful groaning from all the way across the forest" growled a voice from nearby". A brown tabby shecat leaps down from a nearby beech, "Im Pheasant, and I just saved ur pathetic little life" (to be continued)

  2. Jetstream let loose a mournful yowl as he crouched, belly deep in mud. "why must she have died?!?!?" he yowled his voice carrying farther than anticipated. "i never should have met her. why had she insisted we meet?" he mutters, losing the will to live with every passing second. he allows his head to fall. he sees a blaze of orange. "whos ther." he croaks weakly. "someone whos saving your life." the stranger mews, grasping jetstreams scruff firmly in their jaws.(to be continued. ;) )

  3. (continued!!! :) ) "tell me who u r." he grunts as the stranger heaves his amaciated body out of the mud hole. "my name is moonspirit. and i probably just saved your pelt." the strange shecat mews laying jetstream down gently. "nice cat. how did she find me?" he thought intrigued. "can u walk?" she continues. *he attempts to get up but his legs will no longer support him, no matter how much he weighed at the moment* "no i cannot." he gasps, exhausted after the massive effort it took to just attempt getting to his paws. his once lean nd muscular body was now slim and scrawny. "what happened to this cat? he must have been through alot to be this scrawny. he looks as if he cudnt catch a mouse if it wu\as dead nd at his paws!" moonspirit tought to herself with a slight shudder. (once again to be continued...)

  4. You know my story but I never finished. So far:
    She was an odd cat because of her gift. She didn't want to be a kittypet or a Clan cat. "But what did i do?" she asked herself, "I fell in love with that cat from river clan and now i'm going to have kits." She gave birth to three kits. The first was a light orange, almost yellow with gray eyes. The second was white with green eyes. The third and smallest was black with blue eyes. She named them after the things she had learned about because of her gift, Griffin, Magic, and Dragon. She was happy to have them but then she remebered, she was in danger. "Their dad doesn't know they exist but i have to take them to him. He'll take good care of them and if i am ever safe again i can come and visit them. She picked up the three kits in her mouth and headed toward River Clan.
    The she cat walked near the horse place, she needed to pass it to get to River Clan. A twoleg came out, she hated twolegs and started running. She was running so fast she didn't notice the hole in the ground and stumbled. Two of the kits flew out of her mouth and she was close to where the dog was so there was no time to pick them up again. "Fox dung!" she thought. "I can't stop now, i'll have to come back for them. She kept running until she was near River Clan camp. The only kit she was left holding was Dragon. "I'll come back with the others later." she told herself. Then she snuck into camp and into the warriors den. She prodded Fishleap awake and put her tail in his mouth to stop him from waking the others. He looked up at her in shock when he woke up. She gestured her head for him to follow her out. "What are you doing here?" Fishleap asked.
    "Bringing you your kit." she repleid. "This is Dragonkit."
    "What's a dragon?"
    "Oh, they're big lizards that fly in the sky and breath fire."
    Fishleap's eye's widdened. "Are they real."
    "I don't think so. But would you just take her? I can't I'm in danger."
    Fishleap nodded. "I'll take her." He looked at the little kit as his mate ran off. She needed milk. "I'll have to take her to one of the queens." Fishleap decided.
    Fishleap took Dragonkit and placed her in front of Graymist. "What's this?" she asked.
    "A kit, my kit. This is Dragonkit, her mom is in danger and can't take care of her."
    "What's a dragon?"
    "They're flying lizards who breath fire."
    Graymist just gave him a disbelieving look and pushed Dragonkit in with her kits.
    6 moons later: Dragonkit watched the water rusk near the edge of camp, today she would become an apprentice. Graymist had told her to go outside and play with the other kits until then but she never spent much time with them. "they don't understand me, besides I need some time alone every once and a while." she thought.
    Then her dad walked up, she always like being with him. "Hey dad!" she said eagerly.
    "Hello Dragonkit, ready to become an apprentice?" Dragonkit nodded. "Well, I know I'm not supposed to do this, but let me show you a few things outside of camp before you do."
    "O.K." she said.
    Fishleap walked Dragonkit through their teritory. "Where are we going?" she asked.
    "I'm going to show you where the twoleg place is, there are dogs there and i don't want you getting in any trouble." She nodded and they kept walking.
    Soon they were there, it was a big place and nothing like how cats lived. Still, somthing seemed familiar. "That's odd," Fish leap said, "I've never seen that before." he pointed his tail, near the twoleg place there was on odd yellow looking mist.

  5. (ran out of room)
    "Let's go look." Dragonkit told him.
    "No, we should get back," Fishleap called. But she paid no attention as she got closer to the mist. When she stepped into it though she realized what a terible mistake it had been, the mist was burning her eyes so she couldn't see. Dragonkit yewolled in pain, then someone grabbed her by the scruff of her neck. Fishleap had saved her.
    (sorry, it's really long)

  6. (continued from the first post)Icefrost looked at the vole, then back up to the tabby shecat then back again. "well, arnt you going to eat it?!" Pheasant barks, looking bored with the situation "or are you going to let rot here for the cyotes to eat?". "sorry.." Icefrost croaks and took a small bite. the vole was plump and juicy, and the flavor was warm and meaty, reminding her of the greenleaf days she spent as a rouge with her best friend, Jessamine, "but those days were short lived" thot Icefrost bitterly. "well it took you long enough" Pheasant mewed, snapping Icefrost back to the present in an annoyed tone "i woulda thtot u woulda starved already". Gaining more stregth with every bite, Icefrost slowly stood up shakily. *Pheasant shakes her head* "what are you a kittypet? stand like a real rouge!" Pheasant mews heartily and gives Icefrost a rough slap on the back. Icefrost staggered, caught off guard but dosent show her pain to Pheasant (to be continued

  7. (i id continuin mine........ again.) *jetstream shakes his head as if to clear it* "i dont get it...... how did u find me??" he croaks, as a loud rumble escapes his belly. "ur kidding right? the whole forest could hav heard ur yowls. and u sound hungry. stay here ill be right back." moonspirit mews briskly, taking off into the forest. "where exactly would i go if i cant even stand?" jetstream growls shaking his head and laying it on his paws.

  8. (continued........ yet again....) *jetstreams head throbbed with every beat of his heart from hunget* "tht cat better be back here soon." he thought with an edge he himself didnt understand. "i dont think i hav much longer left." *he has just closed his eyes wen the most welcome scent he has ever smelled in his life washed over him* "hey. hello? r u even alive?" moonspirit mews, pushing the dead body of a plump rabbit closer to the scrawny body of the cat. *jetstreamsonly response wuz the snap of his jaws as he devours the carcass* "slow down befor u get belly ache." moonspirits voice wuz almost a purr. *again his only response wuz a flick of his ears dismissively*

  9. Firemoon raced through the forest. Her heart pounded as she ran from a badger in her pursuit.
    She then was hit by a set of long piercing claws.
    The badger had caught her.
    She scratched,bit,and hissed,but there was nothing she could do. She was about to have her life ripped out of her. But right as she knew she
    was a goner,a flash of gray and white flew in front of her eyes. Mistymoon clawed at the beast's neck,but could only watch in horror as the wounded monster whacked the frail elder aside. Firemoon made a death blow to the top of the badger's skull,and watch it fall in torturous pain.
    She then ran over to Mistymoon. She was ready to go to StarClan.
    "Mistymoon,I'm sorry. This is my fault."
    "Firemoon,you did no wrong. It's my time to go.
    I've lived a great life,and you were what made it worth wile." Mistymoon said in a solemn tone.
    "I will always be with you."
    "Goodbye.." Firemoon said;her words were filled with pain.
    Mistymoon let out a small sigh,and closed her eyes forever.
    Firemoon rested her head on her paws. Her mother gave her life for her kit.


  10. "Anyway what happened to u? And whats ur name?" moonspirit mews, easing herself onto her belly. *jetstream swallows* "i was chased off of thunderclan territory. they accused me of a crime i didnt commit." he says flatly nd with a slight shrug,"then i was chased far away from the border and eventually i wound up in tht mud hole." he continues. *moonspirit hesitates before asking the question tht she knew as soon as she asked it she would regret it* "what were you accused of?" she mews hesitantly. *a low growl rumbles in jetstreams throat* "they accused me of murdering their leader." he snarls. "my name is jetstream by the way." he says thru gritted teeth trying to control the seething anger building inside him. (pretty cool huh? ill continue it later. :) )

  11. (Yes you've got a really good story Jetstream.)
    Then a barking sound came. "Dragonkit run!" She tried to but something was wrong with her vision and she couldn't tell which way to go. As the barking got closer Fishleap picked her up and tossed her in the right direction. "Go! I'll hold off the dog." He turned and started to fight. Dragonkit ran.
    (I'll continue again later.)

  12. (guys im having serious writers block, ill try to write some later on but i just cant think of any thing right now )

  13. (thnks dragonwing!! i think yours is awesomenesss!!!) *moonspirits eyes widen wen he mentions the "murder"* "you didnt, of course?" she mews tentatively. *jetstream hisses in anguish and disbelief* "of course i didnt!!! why would i kill my leader when i was deputy?!?! i have no wish for power or control!! i didnt eve want to be deputy!!" he fumes once again attempting to stand and this time he succeeds but he stands awkwardly. *mooonspirit flinches but recovers quickly* "i was just making sure!!!!" she mews her voice almost a growl. "and save your strength. its a long way to hiddenclan and no matter how much u weigh i am not carrying u." she continues. *jetstream looks at her caught off guard* "y-your taking me to your clan?" he mews in disbelief. "of course. why wouldnt i?" she answers with a flick of her tail against his ear. "im exiled from thunderclan for one. shadowclan is out to get me for some reason unknown to me is another. and also because i supposedly killed the thunderclan leader." he mews half laying half falling down. (aha!! i hav finally finishd!!! this is how jetstream came to be in hiddenclan. :D )

  14. Coolio:)

    Icefrost,I've got writers block too:(


  15. (yeah i hate gettin writers block, dont u? )

  16. (whoop, hang on one more important detail.) *moonspirit cant help but purr* "so? those things dont matter when ur looking at a good warrior and how he will serve his clan. new or not." she replies. *jetstream smiles and stands again* "then come on." he mews lifting a paw and nearly falling over. *moonspsirit lunges forward nd catches him befor he falls then realizing what she did she quickly retreats her ears burning in embarrassment* "err.... come on then!" she mews hastily nd bounding away. *jetstream smiles nd stumbles after her* (if u r thinking that theybecome mates........ idk yet. i havent thot tht far ahead.)

  17. (yea. it gets on my nerves. :/)

  18. Totally. Biggest problem I have right now is that I'm writing 2 books currently,and I have writers block on BOTH OF THEM.


  19. :o wow. yeah, writers block sucks big time.

  20. I don't know how to fix writers block,but if you're writing a story,here's my advice:
    Let the weird ideas flow forth! If you put your
    mind to it,you'll find that one-in-a-million idea that could lead to a national bestseller. It's how my stories start.


  21. (yeah good idea :D) *Pheasant sighs* "well if ur done tripping over ur own paws, i guess we should head over to my burrow..." Pheasant mews curtly "not like you can stay there!"Pheasant adds defensivly "just for a few days". "oh, ok. thanks!" Icefrost mews. "what ever lets just get goin" Pheasant growls. When they arrived at Pheasants den, Icefrost was rather taken aback, the den looked like an abandoned foxden, and a cruddy one at that. "i know its not much, so dont start complaining!" Pheasant growls as if reading Icefrosts mind. "oh... its...nice" Icefrost mewed,miling nervously , Pheasant just rolled her pale green eyes at the remark, "your a bad liar" she growled.Icefrost just stared at her snow-white paws. "well come on then! " Pheasant mews in her usual impatient tone"unless, youd rather just stand out here and freeze to death!" she mews and jumps down the foxhole. (to be continued ;))

  22. (Nice, just warning you guys, mine is long. I'm going to try and shorten it though.)
    Dragonkit ran all the way back to camp, it was getting late and all the cats seemed to look at her when she got there. At least she thought they did. It was hard to see for some reason. "Where have you been?" Graymist asked.
    "Oh, um." She knew telling the truth wouldn't be a good idea. "I went to find dad."
    "Did you find him?" someone asked.
    "No." she lied.

  23. (oh my gosh dragonwing, ur stories r good!:D)

  24. (Thanks Icefrost! I want to become an author if you didn't know.But I'm trying to find a way to do that without my parents finding out.)
    The next day Dragonkit became an apprentice. She was taught about where the borders were, how to fight, and catch fish. Not all in the same day. But Fishleap wasn't coming back. The other cats were getting worried an going out to look for him. Several times she was asked if she knew anything but every time she said no.
    Dragonpaw couldn't sleep one night. She got up and decided to take a walk. 'Everyone asks if I know what happened to dad.' she thought. 'I do, but how can I tell them the truth. Besides, he's not dead, he can't be dead. Can he?'

  25. Dragonpaw stopped. Something seemed wrong. She took a smell and realized she had crossed the Windclan border. She looked around, no one was near so she found what seemed to be a small hole in the ground and slept there for the night.

  26. -Lol being an author without your parent's finding out? I'm not sure if I want to be an author, but I do want to write stories! Keep on going Dragonwing- it's good!-

  27. I think it looks fine! Maybe the font a bit bigger? I don't know...

  28. I tried to make it bigger, actually, and it stayed the same. i guess its to conserve page space or something...

  29. Firemoon picked Mistymoon up with Stormcloud and carried her back to camp. They both said nothing;
    they were filled with too much grief.
    Everyone stopped and stared when the saw Mistymoon being carried to the center of the camp.
    "What happened!?" Heatstar yowled.
    "She basicly killed herself to save me." Firemoon
    "I'm extremely at a loss for words. This must be
    hard,I'm sorry." Heatstar mewed.
    "Everyone,pay your respects to Mistymoon. She'll be buried at dawn." Heatstar called.
    Firemoon watched in agony as the Clan went to sit by Mistymoon. She promised herself she'd shred the next badger she saw.


  30. Dragonpaw woke up, for a second she forgot where she was. Once she remebered she realized there were cats outside the hole. She pushed further in. "I'm telling you I smell Riverclan." one of them said.
    "We are close to their border. Now come on, we have to hunt."
    Dragonpaw sighed with releif as the two cats left. 'I suppose I should get back.' she thought. But in all truth, she realized she didn't want to go back.

  31. It was a scary thought, but now she couldn't see a reason to go back. 'No one will miss me.' she thought. 'Graymist dosen't really care, and the other apprentices are mean to me.' She got out, but saw a problem. Windclan space was so open it would be easy for them to find her. She looked farther, Thunderclan and Shadow clan had all those trees. Slowly she started heading that direction.

  32. Icefrost reluctantly followed. the space was tight and she had to jump over several roots to get to Pheasants underground den. once she got to the den, Pheasant was standing in the middle of a suprisingly large foxden, but it had a cozy feel to it. the celing was made out of interwoven roots of the tree above, and the floor had golden dried grass strewn across the floor to cover up the soil. to one side a bunch of sweet smelling grasses wer piled up into some kind of nest. "well, would u mind not gawking at everything you see?!" Pheasant growls "oh no! its a piece of grass! lets stare at it and maybe a magical fairy princess will come and give me magical powers!" Pheasants exclaims sarcastically in a mock- Icefrost voice. Icefrost couldnt help but laugh, even tho she had no idea what a Fairy princess was. Pheasant rolls her eyes and laughed a bit herself. it was a sweet, high sound that reminded Icefrost of the bell kittypets wore arounnd their collars, it didnt fit her personality at all. Pheasant sits down on the golden hued grass and wrapped her tail around her paws. "well? are you gonna tell me u flippin story or not?" (to be continued)

  33. Dragonpaw sat on a branch in thunderclan. She had needed to escape a patrol. Looking up at the sky she was amazed how well she could still see the stars. 'Starclan forgive me.' she silently pleaded. 'Maybe I shouldn't have left Riverclan but I didn't fit in there. Maybe I don't belong in a clan.' Slightly upset by the thought she decided to go to sleep.
    She woke up in the bright sun, but she wasn't in a tree and it didn't look like Thunderclan. A gray cat with green eyes walked out from a bush. "Dad!" she cried. "Dad I missed you. I was afraid I didn't belong in a clan. But now that you're here we can go back to Riverclan."
    "Oh you belong in a clan." Fishleap told her. But not Riverclan.
    "Then where?" she asked. But the world was changing she was in the tree again.
    (By the way I'll make a story for Griffinclaw and Magicheart when I finish this one.)

  34. Dragonpaw fell off the tree. She didn't want to get up but heard voices and decided she shouldn't get caught. She slipped into a bush and hoped no one would notice her. "I don't know Jayfeather. Do you really think Hollyleaf's not one of the three?" a cat said.
    "She never had a power, and she didn't understand like we did. We can at least watch those kits and see if one of them are special." They came into view. The gray one turned and looked at where she was hiding. She pushed a little further back. "What?" the other asked.
    "Nothing. Let's just go back to camp." the two left.
    'One of the three?' Dragonpaw wondered. 'Three what?' But she knew she couldn't hide in the bush all day so left.

  35. On the edge of the forest Dragonpaw saw a rabbit. She got into the crouch and started after it, she bounced but it jumped and started running. "Oh no you don't" Dragonpaw said. And she chased after it. She chased it across a field and finally managed to pounce on it. "There."
    "Hey Riverclan." someone said. "That's our prey. Now give it back!"
    Dragonpaw swallowed, she hadn't realized she had gone back into Windclan territory. "Here have it."
    "And get off our territory!"
    Dragonpaw fought back a hiss, this cat was pretty mean. She started to leave, but behind her she could here foot steps. 'He's following me!' She started to run, she ran to the lake and jumped in. 'No way he'll follow me in here.' she thought. He did leave, but Dragonpaw decided to hunt at night from then on.

  36. (Is anyone still here?)
    Dragonpaw was lying in the forest, it was day and she should be sleeping but her stomach kept waking her up. There wasn't much water lately and the prey was leaving too. She decided to get up and hunt.
    Dragonpaw stalked a mouse, she didn't even notice another cat watching her. She caught the mouse but then the cat stepped out. It was the same one who had been talking about the three. 'Not again.' she thought. "All yours." she said. Then took off before he could say anything. She ran through the forest, but there was a hole in the ground. She fell through, making it bigger as she did.

  37. I'm here, Dragonwing! love your story! Keep writing! don't let absence get you down. EVER.


  38. (O.k. Thanks Spottedfire.) Dragonpaw looked around she was in a cave with a dark river and several passages to the sides. "You shouldn't be in here." she heard someone say. But she couldn't see or smell whoever said it. The voice was familiar though. She thought back to shortly before she left the clan, the clan meeting. "Hollyleaf?" she asked.
    The cat came out of the shadows and she could vaguely see her. "How do you know who I am?"
    "I remember you from the clan meeting. I'm Dragonpaw, but I left Riverclan."
    Hollyleaf looked like she had sighed but it was hard to tell. "All right follow me, I'll get you out of here."

  39. Dragonpaw tried to get up but she felt a pain in one of her hind legs and had to sit down. Hollyleaf looked back. "Stay here, I'll get something for that leg." then she left.
    'Well of course I'll stay here.' Dragonpaw thought. 'That's the problem.'

  40. cool! ..... wait.... how did i know it was going to be Hollyleaf..... 'CAUSE HOLLYLEAF IS AWESOME!!! I LIKE HER BECAUSE SHE ARMADILLOS SQUIRRELFLIGHT!!!! ARMADILLO!!! PICKLES!!! YAY!!


  41. Soon Dragonpaw had fallen asleep. She saw a new cat standing over her. "You're not who I expected." they said. (Embarassing moment:Fallenleave's a guy right?)
    "Sorry." Dragonpaw said. Then she looked down and screamed. Water was coming up around her.
    "Follow me, I'll show you the way out."
    Then she felt someone shoving her. "Wake up!" Hollyleaf's voice came to her. She woke up sputtering water.
    (Of course Hollyleaf is asome.)

  42. "Come on! See if you can stand on two legs." she helped Dragonpaw over to ledge. "The water never gets this high. Now hold still and I'll fix you leg." Dragonpaw nodded. This place was so strange.

  43. (Didn't feel like working on Dragonwing's right now.)
    The she cat sat near the two leg place. She had gotten her two kits, Griffin and Magic, away from the dog there. However she knew she couldn't stay here. She picked them up. 'At least Dragon will be all right.'
    She went right through Windclan and Thunderclan before finally stopping, too tired to keep going. She set her two kits down and let them start drinking milk.

  44. Dragonpaw must have fallen asleep again becuase when she opened her eyes the rain had stopped. "Come on." Hollyleaf called from below. "I'll show you the way out of the cave." Dragonpaw came down and slowly followed her out. As soon as they got out she disappered.
    "Hollyleaf?" Dragonpaw tried to hide her dissapointment. She realized she was in Shadowclan. 'I'm going to spend the rest of my life running from clan to clan.' she thought miserably. She was still upset when a Shadowclan cat found her.
    "What are you doing here? Get off our territory!"
    "NO!" Dragonpaw shouted. It was probably a silly thing to do, but at this point she didn't care.
    "Get off or I'll have to make you!"
    "Make me then!"
    The cat jumped on her. She racked his stomach and got out. She had never been a good fighter and her moves were completely random. But she was letting out all of her rage, and it was making her win.

  45. The Shadowclan cat ran away. "And stay away!" Dragonpaw shouted.
    "Not bad. But have you noticed how bad you're bleeding?" Hollyleaf was back.
    "Well you could have helped." She set to licking herself.
    "That's what I'm about to do. Come on, I'll show you how to turn invisible."
    "You can actaully do that?"
    "Well, it only works when it's dark, but yes, pretty much." Hollyleaf lead her back into the cave.

  46. Dragonpaw sat in the dark, she knew no one could see her as she watched them. There were three cats, and they were talking about the power of three again. "We thought Hollyleaf might have been one of the three, but she wasn't."
    "Exactly, if you made a mistake about her, maybe you're making a mistake about me."
    'They thought Hollyleaf had been one of the three?' Dragonpaw didn't know what the three were, but if Hollyleaf knew and she still thought she was on of them. . .
    Dragonpaw slipped away toward the cave. When she got there, the first cat she saw wasn't Hollyleaf, it was Fallen Leaves. "Hi." she said. She had met Fallenleaves a few times since the last.
    "I knew you would come back, you always do."
    "Yes, and I always will." Dragonpaw nodded.
    "Good Dragonpaw, it does get lonely down here."
    "If I may ask, what's your name?"
    "Oh yes. I am Fallenleaves." Then he fadded out.
    'Good bye Fallenleaves.' Dragonpaw thought. Then she decided she should find Hollyleaf.

  47. (good stories, guys. :) i've never really done my past except for hotf, so im gonna do my kithood/apprenticeship.)
    the blackness of the night seemed to swallow any light that might've brightened her hopes. a thin, claw moon was the only source of light, which was barely enough to see by.
    where she came from, kitting on a claw moon was a curse.
    Starlight Where Darkness Lies trudged through the snow, miserably tripping over rocks and roots, and her own paws. ice clumped in her fur, which was soaked in freezing water. it weighted her down, as if she weren't weighted down enough. her unborn Tribe of Rushing Water kits were to be born very soon, and Starlight needed shelter. the Tribe had kicked her out before the kitting, and her 'mate' denied mating her, leaving her alone and abandoned.
    suddenly starlight tripped, and staggered into a snow-covered fox den. it was steep, and she cut her numb paws on the bramble tendrils trailing down. blood seeped slowly fro her paws, and it quickly froze to the floor.
    she waited. and waited. and waited. and waited.
    soon enough though, they came.
    the first one: green eyes, gray with black paws, ears and tail tip.
    the second one:electric blue eyes with blackish gray fur.
    the third one: amber eyes with red fur
    Shadow of Cursed Claw Moon
    Darkness of Starless Sky
    Crimson Blood on Claws
    (that sounds sorta emo. i just did that 'cuz tribe cats name their kits after the first thing they see when kitting them)
    suddenly starlight heard a growl outside the den. the fox was home. it burst in the den, snarling. if she had enough energy, she'd fight it, but was too weak.
    it grabbed her scruff as an attempt of a killing bite. it thrashed her around, but then there was a deeper, scarier, and deadlier snarl at the entrance of the den. the fox turned around around, to meet it's death as a huge, whitish-black wolf snapped the fox's neck in one lunge. it dropped.
    starlight huddled at the back of the frost-covered den with her kits, bleeding badly.
    "i won't hurt you." the she-wolf said."my name is lira." she could sense that starlight would soon die of bleeding heavily or freeze. starlight knew this too.
    "take my kits to a safe place when i die..." she muttered, exhausted. if this wolf was friendly enough to save her from the fox, then she could trust her.
    later in the night starlight bled to death. lira took the three kits. first she encountered a human nest, and saw through she glass door a queen and her kits. she left Darkness on the doorstep. she decided to keep the red kit; she had newborn pups and had milk.
    she couldn't find anywhere for Shadow. soon she csme to the edge of the human-pack.(city) almost immediately, 4 cats wearing spike collars appeared, fur bristling and claws extended.
    "what do you want?!" a nasty dark gray she-cat snarled.
    "for you to take this kitten."
    "we don't want it. get away." a brown tom growled. lira surged forward, and killed him before they could do anything.
    "any more questions?" asked lira in an innocent voice.
    a small black tom stepped out of the shadows. he had one white paw, blue eyes and... dog claws? and a spike collar.
    "your the leader?" asked lira. his eyes gave the answer.
    "what do you want?" he said flatly. he didn't seem to care lira killed his follower or whatever.
    "take this kit." she retorted. his eyes glinted as he inspected the small kit, unimpressed.
    "at least it'll make up for that one." he said, jerking his head to the dead brown tom.
    "we'll take the kit. fury get over here. you take care of it." lira set down the kit carefully. a white she cat with black markings came up. she snorted in disgust.
    "are you sure, scourge?" she asked the black tom.
    "do it!" he snarled, and stalked away. lira glanced at the kit, Shadow, and then trotted back to her pack.


    I have a bit of BloodClan spirit in me, or so my mother said. My father said I was part wolf,part badger. I guess it's because, when I was a kit, I bit everything my muzzle came in contact with. Bitting things... seemed to help me... get over my pain. Of loosing Amber, Topaz, and Opal. My sibilings. They died in a snowstorm, one of the worst my parents ever expireneced. Did I mention I grew up in the mountains?


  49. O.O ......... Fury..... Fury.... Fury is Wolf's adopted mother! Wolf was yelling about that in her dream because Fury was really mean to her as a kit, or lied about being Wolf's mother! For the love of bacon, your crafty, Wolf!!!


    (I 'spotted' it!)

  50. ( :D thnx, spottedfire!)
    scourge flicked his tail at Shadow.
    "it's name's wolf, after the one who brought it here. fury, get it out of my sight. it better be ready to train in two moons."
    she twitched her whiskers. "your word's the law, scourge." with that, she grabbed shadow and trotted back to her twoleg nest.
    (fury's a bloodclan cat, but some animal lover loved strays and took her in, so now she's at a twoleg nest.)
    fury meowed loudly and scratched at a twoleg door. a twoleg opened it, and said, "oh, there you are cat."
    the human was young, spiky black hair, tattoo sleeves, and had rock music playing somewhere in the house.
    "what, you still pregnant or somethin'? we'll put that thing to use. phh."
    she opened the door wider, and let fury in. the human wandered off.
    fury dropped the tiny cat on the carpet. her other kit, spark, padded up.
    "who's is it, mommy?" she asked.
    "i dunno." she growled gruffly. "whatever, it's my responsibility. ugh, my life's hard enough. i don't need THIS. your already enough to have to handle."
    spark, the older she-kit, flinched a little. "i'm sorry." she whimpered.
    "you're lucky you were born." fury muttered to the little kit.
    she lied down, and and the two kits suckled. as far as she could tell, they were only two or three days apart. she compared them:
    spark- white with little ginger flecks
    wolf-darker gray with black markings
    fury decided she couldn't pass wolf off as their family; they were too different looking.
    she'd just never tell her or something. she'd improvise.


  51. Spottedfire LUVS your story, Wolf! It's so awesome! You have such an active imagination! I wish I could write as well as you. *sigh* Guess I'll just have to work with what I got.


  52. ( :D thanks, spottedfire!!! i'm glad you like it so much! yay! i'll add more tomorrow.)


  53. (Nice. Though, I skimmed because I felt lazy. I'll try and read it more thoroughly tommorow.)
    Dragonpaw went into the cave carrying her prey. 'When I left Riverclan I never thought I'd be spending the rest of my life in a cave.'
    "Did you catch something?" Hollyleaf asked.
    "Yes. It's easier now that the drought's over."
    Hollyleaf nodded. "I'm glad the clans solved the problem." she looked sad though. Dragonpaw knew she missed living in a clan.
    "You know you could go back there."
    "What? No, I don't think so."
    "It was just an idea."
    "Well think about your ideas before you say them." She stormed deeper into the cave. Dragonpaw sighed and ate alone. 'Maybe Fallenleaves will visit me.'

  54. (Read it better now. Great story Wolf.)

  55. Sky,can you take my story off please?


  56. Dragonpaw looked up at the sky. She was crying. She and Hollyleaf had just gotten into a fight about Squirrelflight and Leafpool. She had told Hollyleaf she's lucky because she had three parents while Dragonpaw had only knew one and he was dead. 'And, it's my fault he's dead.' she thought, but she didn't say anything. Both of them had gotten a little too agresive. Hollyleaf said Dragonpaw's mom had probably left her because she didn't love her. That's when Dragonpaw had run away. She could live with not having parents. She could even live with knowing it was her fault Fishleap died. But she couldn't live thinking it was her fault she had never known her mom too.

  57. (you should probably know wolf and spark call the human 'The Master Lady'.)
    ~one moon later~
    "GET UP! it's time to start fighting!" fury shouted at wolf. "spark, get over here! you and wolf are gonna have another round, claws out!"
    spark scampered over. wolf and her circled each other, giving each other apologetic looks in advance for future injuries.
    spark leapt first. wolf rolled to the side, but didn't get up fast enough. spark's thorn-like kit claws pricked into her skin. wolf bucked her off, and spark rolled onto the floor, dazed.
    wolf scraped her belly, but stopped abruptedly when spark started wailing in pain.
    "i'm sorry!" she cried, backing away.
    "NO!" fury snarled. "you are NOT sorry! when you fight, you want the enemy to show weakness, so you know their weakness, what hurts them the most!" she shoved wolf out of the way, and jabbed spark up.
    "isn't that a little... harsh?" squeaked spark, terrified.
    fury was about to spit some answer at her when the door slammed open. the master lady of the house walked in, carrying supplies in a plastic bag. when she saw the cats, she brought two bright red collars out of the bag.
    "come here, you little brats." she said to the two kittens. she grabbed spark and wolf by the scruff, and placed a scarlet collar around each of their necks.
    "when your old enough, you can fight in the arena like your mom. THEN i'll get'ya some REAL spike collars." the master lady said absently to the kittens.
    spark and wolf exchanged a confused glance. the master lady left the
    fury glanced at the door and said, "you two better be strong enough to fight by next moon. because that's when scourge agreed to train you, wolf, and when bone said he'd train you, spark. and after THAT, you'll have to fight in the human's animal fighting arena."


  58. Ooh, ARENA... sounds like The Hunger Games... do u like that series, Wolf?


  59. Dragonpaw walked back into the cave. "Hollyleaf?"
    "Right here." Hollyleaf walked out of the shadows.
    "Listen. I cam to apologize. I was taking it a little too far out of pride."
    "Actually I was going to say sorry. I still think you're wrong. Squirrelflight and Leafpool are horrible cats and diserve any suffering they got. But I shouldn't have said any thing about your mom."
    Dragonpaw nodded. "So. . .we're still friends?"
    Hollyleaf shrugged. "Sure." then she walked away again.
    Dragonpaw sighed. It was hard to work with that cat, but it was worth it. She really was a good friend. And Fallenleaves was o.k. too, if a little crazy. 'Still, I miss living in a clan.'
    (The next one I'll end the story.)

  60. -one moon later-
    "wolf. follow me." scourge muttered and walked away.
    bone was already walking away with spark, his apprentice.
    wolf bounced after scourge. Finally, they got to a huge abandoned human building. they went to the top.
    "this is BLOODCLAN'S fighting arena. the human's version of the fighting arena is much more closed in." scourge said. wolf wandered over to the edge.
    "what happens if you fall off?" she asked curiously. she jumped around, surprised. scourge was right next to her. a second ago he was at the other side.
    "you DIE," he answered. "so don't ever jump off. and when you fight up here, a technique they use is they'll force you to the edge, or push you off."
    wolf cocked her head.
    scourge prodded her in the side and guided her to the middle of the roof.
    "we'll start with the basics: fighting crouch. you need to keep your legs ready to spring, roll, run, or dodge backwards at all times, so keep your hind legs in this position..." the training lasted all day. it was like this but got fiercer each session for the next four moons.
    one day, scourge let her out of training for the day. so she went to explore.
    wolf was the age of a clan apprentice now, but was more experienced in fighting. all of the bloodclan apprentices were.
    wolf excelled in fighting and enduring pain, and spark excelled in stamina and sneaky fighting, instead of brute force.
    spark and wolf had become so close they considered themselves sisters.
    so that day, they went out to explore together.
    they passed some human houses, and came to one with a black cat and electric blue eyes.
    "he... looks familiar." wolf commented, disturbed by this. spark grinned.
    "he's pretty cute. you like him?" she asked. wolf ignored her. the cat turned, and their eyes locked.
    suddenly wolf had a flashback. his scent beside her in a warm den... sharp teeth gripping their scruffs, as they bumped against each other. the strong jaws provided a bumpy ride across the icy and snowy field.
    wolf heard a little voice in her head that was murmuring,
    Darkness of Starless Sky... Darkness...
    spark prodded her in the side. "wolf, you ok?" you looked a little wobbly there."
    wolf shook her head to clear it. "i'm gonna talk to that tom."
    spark laughed. "YOU? wow. didn't see that comin'. "
    wolf marched into the yard. "what's your name, have you always lived here, and do you know me?" she demanded.
    the cat looked at her cooly. "my name's Darkness. yes. and no. does that answer you're questions?"
    "no," she said. "look closely." they studied each other's eyes intently for the next several minutes. anyone passing by would have thought there were two insane cats having a stare-down.
    wolf was finding it hard to focus because spark kept laughing from the roadside.
    suddenly she was in empty whiteness.
    where am i? she asked to no one
    you can do it, too? asked Darkness, who appeared out of nowhere.
    do what?
    we can go into people's minds, basically, and talk to them. he explained.
    then a voice appeared out of nowhere, and the could both here it.
    "Shadow of Cursed Claw Moon. Darkness of Starless Sky."
    their eyes widened. they both had the same flashback: that was what their mother had said when she named them! they were brother and sister!
    Darkness! you- you should come to bloodclan, where i live!
    ugh. anything but this human nest. Fox, my 'mom' is so protective and never lets me do anything. she tells me a wolf dropped me at the doorstep, and that's where i came from. but what's even weirder is i have these memories of being carried through the snow but really big jaws.
    me too!
    here, let's go out of each other's minds so we can actually talk.
    the world appeared around them again.

  61. Dragonpaw sat with Hollyleaf eating their kill. She was getting better at knowing the other cats emotions with out seeing their face. "You're still wondering where those Thunderclan cats went aren't you?"
    "One of those Thunderclan cats happens to be my brother. And yes, I'm still wondering."
    "What's the big deal? They're back."
    Hollyleaf shrugged. "It's just, I know everything that happens lately, even if I'm not a part of it."
    "Right, like when you guided those 2 cats out of the cave."
    Hollyleaf nodded. "I'm going to see if I can find out what happened." she walked out.
    Dragonpaw tried to sleep, but before she could she heard voices. She slipped over, staying in the dark, to see who it was. There was a white cat, an orange cat, and a gray cat. "Do you need help getting out?" she asked, staying invisible.
    "Yes." the white one said.
    "Follow me." And Dragonpaw lead them out.
    (So for those of you who don't know, this is when Dragonpaw joins the groups story you can find on Heart of the Forest. She's with her siblings and they're going to rescue Cloverspots.)
    Dragonpaw walked into the cave. It had been ages since she was here. Or at least that's what it felt like. She entered the main part of the cave. "Dragonpaw!" Hollyleaf ran toward her. "You scared me, I thought you weren't coming back."
    "Well I did." Dragonpaw said. She felt quilty for what she was about to do, but she had finally found a clan and learned her dad didn't blame her for his death. It was time to move on. "But we need to talk. I'm leaving now."
    "Oh." Hollyleaf seemed surprised. "Well that's o.k."
    "Thank you Hollyleaf. Maybe I'll come visit you again some time."
    Hollyleaf nodded. "You should go now."
    Dragonpaw nodded and ran out. She had to get back to her new friends before they noticed she was missing.

  62. (Next story. This is my only other one.)
    Griffin looked up at his mom happily. They had been in the clearing since he was born. At least, he thought. Now he and Magic were trying their first meat. "Now listen." their mom said. "I have to leave."
    They both looked up in shock. "I should come back, but if I don't, you have a father named Fishleap and a sister named Dragonkit in Riverclan."
    Magic nodded. Griffin wasn't sure he understood, but if his mom was coming back what did it matter? Their mom left that night. The 2 kits waited. And waited. And waited. A day passed, and another. Griffin was still watching for their mom, but not Magic. "Griffin," she said, "I'm hungry. Can we go get some food?"
    "No. We have to wait here for our mom."
    "But she's taking so long. And I'm HUNGRY."
    "Fine! You leave!" Griffin shouted. "You can be left behind when mom comes back!"
    Magic started at him for a minuet, then she ran away crying.

  63. Sky,please take the crapshoot story already posted off. (You're in this book,Wolf!)

    Chapter One of The Rising Darkness by Firestar:

    The clouds covered the half-moon,leaving the forest dark and cold.
    "Firestar,are you sure about this? She might not be good enough." Snowtail meowed.
    It had been three sunrises since Wolfstar had lost her last life. Firestar fell down the gorge,
    almost drowning,but Wolfstar jumped in to bring her to the surface,and wounded herself too badly
    to live.
    "She's my best friend,and she's the most courageous cat I've ever known. Pitchnight will be the new deputy,and I know she'll be accepted."
    Firestar meowed.
    "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey,
    join beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting." Firestar yowled.
    StormClan gathered below the Highrock in anticipation.
    "It's time for the new deput to be chosen. Pitch-
    night,you've served this Clan well,and I would like to have you as my deputy." Firestar mewed,as
    her green eyes glittered with happiness. Pitchni-
    ght padded up to stand beside Firestar.
    "I am honored to be deputy of a Clan like this. You have served me well,and it's time I repay that debt." Pitchnight mewed,gazing at Firestar with eyes full of respect.
    "Pichnight! Pitchnight!" everyone chanted,welcom-
    ing the new deputy.
    Firestar pressed her muzzle on the top of Pitch-
    night's head,letting out a purr of happiness.
    "May StarClan light your path,and serve us well."
    Firestar meowed to Pitchnight.
    Firestar got up and went to her den,relieved.
    'Thank StarClan I have a loyal deputy.' She thought,and padded to her den to sleep.

    I'll post the rest of it later.

  64. Thanks Wavey! :)

    "Firestar,hey Firestar,quit being a stubborn furball and wake up."
    "Who are you calling stubborn,flea-brain?" Firestar purred as she pulled herself up to see Duskstream. She padded out of her den to find Pitchnight.
    "Good morning! I just sent out a hunting patrol."
    Pitchnight mewed.
    "Good. I'll take Moonpaw,Lilyleaf,and Hawktalon on the border patrol with me." Firestar meowed.
    She watched the three cats come to the camp entrance.
    They padded out to the IceClan border.Once they reached it,IceClan cats had crossed StormClan's boundaries.
    "What are you doing on StormClan territory?" Firestar hissed.
    "You never needed it,Firemoon,so we've decided to take it as our own." Sunshadow,an IceClan warrior,growled.
    "For one thing,it's Firestar now," Hawktalon snarled,"and you have no right to interfere with the border marks StarClan set for us."
    "What's StarClan ever done for us?" Sunshadow meowed.
    A ripple of shock went through the cats on his patrol. They stared at him with disbelieving eyes.
    "This isn't over." Sunshadow growled.
    Firestar glanced to the back of the patrol and spotted the russet and medicine cat,Redwillow.
    Redwillow padded over with deep sympathy in her dark amber eyes.
    "I'm very sorry about Wolfstar,and I know she will be well in StarClan. She was a great leader,
    and will be missed."
    "Thank you. May StarClan light your path." Firestar meowed,touching noses with Redwillow.
    The patrol moved quickly,and by the time they returned,it wasn't even sunhigh.
    But when she was walking to the fresh-kill pile,
    she was dragged into the medicine den. She looked up to see Silverspots,then sat.
    "Firestar,this is from StarClan,and I think it's
    about you." Silverspots mewed.
    "A prophecy?" Firestar asked.
    "Yes. Here it is: A darker side of the sun shall arise,and only the strongest fire can stop it."
    Silverspots meowed.
    "Who told you this?" Firestar asked anxiously.


  65. (woohoo. im dead. lovin' it. jk,i don't care. :D actually, is it ok if i live in the Dark Forest or Moonpack or something? i don't really care for starclan.... srry starclan lovers, its true, in the books or rp.)
    ~one moon later~
    "yo, darkness, get over here." spark called. wolf padded up. "whatdya need im for?"
    "he's gettin' his collar today." she answered.
    the Master Lady came in.
    "cat, get over here." he came over, and she placed a black spiked collar on him.
    "today's all of your guys' fight day! time for the arena!" she said, placing matching collars on them.
    she drove them to an abandoned building a couple miles away.
    the master lady put a chain on each cat, and walked them inside. inside was horrible screeching made by fighting cats. a concrete enclosure was in the middle, and a mesh metal fence lined it. inside, two bloody, scrawny alley cats were wrestling. one cat fell, limp, and the winner's owner got a bunch of human money.
    sweaty humans crowded together, betting on which cat would win next.
    after about an hour of waiting, the three siblings caught sight of fury.
    "so THIS is where she's been!" exclaimed spark. shortly after they had found darkness, fury had mysteriously disappeared.
    the master lady then told them randomly: "after i sold your mama to one of them betters, i've had to train you cats extra hard, so ya better win this one, or im throwin' ya out. ya hear?" she said to them. what was THAT supposed to mean? then the Master Lady grabbed Spark by the scruff. she lifted her ginger flecked body up, and into the cage she went.
    "Spark! win this won for me!" wolf yowled at her. she flicked her tail to indicate that she heard.
    then they saw who was the competitor: Fury. Spark's eyes lit up with disbelief.
    "mom?!" she asked, stunned. fury's eyes showed no love or mercy that a mother's eyes should. they only showed bone cold determination and white hot ferocity. she was fighting to the death whether her daughter would or not.


  66. (Both these stories are Great! Keep going.)
    Magic hopped on some prey and finally managed to kill it. It had taken her all day to learn to hunt. She sat down and started eating. 'I don't want to live alone.' she thought. 'But I don't want to go back to Griffin.' Then she remebered what her mom had said, about family in a place called Riverclan. 'I wonder where that is?' she looked around, nearby there seemed to be some sort of really steep hill. 'I bet I could see Riverclan from there.' she climbed up. This was an odd place, there was a lake that seemed to reflect perfectly. She looked at her own reflection. 'I'm a mess.' she licked her fur down then went to the edge of the hill and looked out. There was a bigger lake down there, and a forest, and. . .a river! Magic got excited. But then she heard a cracking below her. The ground broke off and she fell. She hit the ground and the world went dark.

  67. Story Spoiler- In the end of the book,(as far as I've planned) some type sickness plague strikes
    the four Clans-AirClan,IceClan,RainClan,and StormClan. Only about 10 cats live,and they'll find Thunder,River,Shadow,and Wind. They agree to rebuild the Clans. Firestar loses her 9th life when they agreed.
    Another Spoiler- Firestar's is long-lost kin to Fireheart.


  68. Griffin decided to hunt after all. He was getting hungry. He got up, it took a while to find prey. But he did find and mange to catch some. Before he could eat it though another cat came around a tree. "You caught that on our territory. It belongs to us."
    "But I caught it. So it belongs to ME."
    The cat lunged at him. 'Talk about a short temper.' Griffin thought. He ran out of the way and turned around. The cat smacked him across the face. Then he tried to pin Griffin, but he ran out of the way and slashed his stomach. The cat was completely surprised, Griffin, seeing his oppertunity, jumped on the cat. 'This isn't so hard.'

  69. -alright ima do a story about Jetstream's life BEFORE his exile. :) lol enjoys it!!-

    Sunspots groaned as one of her kis fell out into her nest in the nursery. Her mate, Ripplesplash, was there the whole time, encouraging her and comforting her.

    "its ok. your doing fine. i love you. dont you ever forget that." He mewed warmly in her ear.

    She was about to reply when her whole body racked and she groaned again. Another kit fell into the nest.

    "theres no more! that was the last one," the medicine cat, Silversong mewed. "this ones a tom," she continues, indicating the foggy grey tom with darker storm cloud like stripes. "and this ones a shecat." Silversong indicates the maple-like brown kit with darker brown stripes.

    "they're beautiful." Ripplesplash breathed, licking his son's head. "what will we name them?"

    "the shecat will be Maplekit. And the tom will be Jetkit." Sunspots said, exhausted.

    Ripplesplash purred as he licked his mate all over. "perfect."
    He looked at the shecat, and realized she was an exact remake of her mother, only smaller. and her eyes were possibly different as well. He then looked at the tom, and then at his own pelt. The 2 were exactly the same.

    ~5 moons later~

    "i am Cobrastrike, the mightiest warrior the clans have ever seen!!!" Jetkit declared.
    "aww, how come YOU get to be cobrastrike?!" Darkkit complained.
    "because i said so, thats why! you can be it next time." Jetkit said matter-of-factivly.

    -i'll do more later.... LAZY!! lol-

  70. it was over quickly. circling. a pounce. stagger to the side, roughly dodging fury's jagged claws. anxiety coming in waves from sparks pelt. she tripped. a leap. a bite to the throat. a gurgle, trying to wail in devastation. spark's mother killed her.
    she went limp. blood pooled around her throat.
    the master lady ground her teeth in frustration as she gave money to fury's owner. i felt nothing but coldness.


  71. Yay! Keep on going Jetstream!! POST MORE GRRR!! And wow Wolfstar... violent... jk I like it! :)

  72. Analogies

    Leader Squirrelstar – a dark ginger tabby she-cat with green eyes

    Deputy Fishhead – sliver tabby tom with blue eyes

    Medicine cat Flupelt – a white tom with pale green eyes


    Lionhead – a golden tom with green eyes

    Longhead - yellow tabby tom with blue eyes

    Pricklefang – tabby tom with long fangs

    Lionmane – a golden tom with a lion’s mane

    Flamepelt – a ginger tom with green eyes

    Fuffytail – yellow tabby she-cat

    Apprentice Whitepaw – a white she-cat

    Longtooth – a dark tabby she –cat who looks a lot like tigerstar

    Whitefrost – a white tabby she cat

    Leaffall – a brown tabby she cat

    Sandfire– dark ginger shecat

    Springpelt – yellow she cat with white patches


    Smalltail – a black tom

    Smalltooth – a white tom

    Smallfrost – a brown she - cat

    Smallpoppy – a brown she – cat


    One dark and stormy night a clan was built. The clan’s name is SquirrelClan and their leader’s name is Squirrelstar. Their main diet is squirrels and eagles. They also eat mountain lions.

    Chapter 1

    The kits were playing with their fresh-kill. “Stop playing with your fresh – kill!” said their father Fishhead. The kits names are Smallkit, Crookkit, Warmkit, Moonkit, Nomkit, and Shekit. Their mother is Whitefrost. They are one moon old. Fishhead was in Fishclan. While he was in Fishclan, he took Whitefrost as a mate. So he moved from Fishclan to SquirrelClan.
    Chapter 2
    Two kits named Speedkit and Rushingkit were dosing on the sunning stones. Speedkit and Rushingkit are gray tabbies with green eyes.
    Chapter 3
    The kits want to be apprentices they are now six moons old. “All cats old enough to catch there own prey come beneath Leaf – Pile for a clan meeting” said Squirrelstar “ it is time to welcome 8 new apprentices Shekit,Crookkit, Nomkit, Warmkit, Smallkit,Moonkit,Speedkit, and Rushingkit you all have reached your sixth moon so from this moment in till you earn your warrior name. Shekit you will be know as Shepaw your mentor will be Fishhead. Crookkit you will be know as Crookpaw your mentor will be Flamepelt. Nomkit you will be know as Nompaw your mentor will be Lionmane. Warmkit you will be know as Warmpaw your mentor will be Pricklefang. Smallkit you will be know as Smallpaw your mentor will be Longhead. Moonkit you will be know as Moonpaw your mentor will be Lionhead. Speedkit you will be know as Speedpaw your mentor will be Whitefrost. Rushingkit you will be known as Rushingpaw your mentor will be Leaffall.”

    Chapter 4

  73. yay i thought of idas for ch4 YAY BE HAPPY FOR ME

  74. Hey, Wolf. In BloodClan, can you mention Moon? She's a dark silver she-cat with white paws. She's really quick, agile, and stealthy. She hates having to work together and doesn't really put trust in anyone. I play Moonfoot on FlameClan, and she used to live in BloodClan, too. Can you kinda work her into your story?
    You don't have to, if you don't want to. It's your story after all.


  75. (my continument of my story after not writin ne thing for like a month lol)"w-well i-" Icefrost stuttered, reluctant to recount her painful past, but under Phesants annoyed scowl, theyre was really no choice, after all this cat had saved her life. well, i was born in a far away clan called FrostCLan....." (to be continued)

  76. (lol ok wavey. :)-

    Darkkit sighed. "ok Jetkit.... then I Get to be Briarthorn!! Cobrastrikes enenemy!!!" he announced, having trouble saying the word 'enemy'.

    "All cats old enough to survive the floods gather beneath HighStones for a clan meeting!!!" Redstar, yowled as she leaped gracefully atop the jagged rocks that formed HighStones.

    "come on Maplekit!! i bet it's for our apprentice ceremony!!" Jetkit cried excitedly as he and his sister ran out of the nursery, runnning right into Sunspots. She purred and shooed the two kits out beside Brightspark, the newest addition to the nursery.
    "dont be silly, Jetkit. we're only five moons." Maplekit said softly, giving a small giggle.
    "so? maybe Redstar changed her mind about us being only five moons old and is making us apprentices early." Jetkit countered, smiling. Birchkit, almost the same age as Jetkit, trotted over and sat down on the other side of Jetkit.
    "so wha-" Birchkit got cut off by his mothers low growl to stay quiet. Redstar was speaking.

    "i have come to a decision." Redstar was saying, "mind you, i have dwelled on what the risks were for this decision night after night. but before i tell you my conclusion, i must tell you the problem. The clan's territory is being demolished and destroyed by a pack of dogs. big, burly beasts that have no mercy at all. they are not normal dogs either. they carry an infectous disease that spreads by simply getting bitten or drooled on by one of them. queens, watch the kits closely and do NOT let ANYONE inside the nursery without your consent. further more, about my decision...... all kits 4-5 moons of age will be apprenticed early... just to learn how to defend themselves. clan dismissed!" she said loud enough for every cat in camp to hear, before nimbly jumping down and disappearing behind the fronds of fern that covered the entrance to her den, which was nestled somewhere on the inside of Highstones.
    The clan was left standing there in a shocked silence.

    Jetkit noticed that 3 warriors had followed Redstar into her den.
    'probably discuzzing the mentors...' Jetkit figured.
    No cat dared to move, or even breathe for that matter.
    everyone was anxiously waiting for Redstars decision. (DUN DUN DUN!!!!!! lol i'll continue later. :) and the warriors in Redstars den are Nightwhisper, Ravenfrost, and Palesun.)

    1. Oooooooohhh!!! Have Ravenfrost have purple eyes!! JK lollllll hahaha but I think your mentor should be Nightwhisper :) :)

  77. Analogies



    Squirrelstar – a dark ginger tabby she-cat with green eyes


    Fishhead – a sliver tabby tom with blue eyes

    Medicine cat

    Flupelt – a white tom with pale green eyes


    Lionhead – a golden tom with green eyes

    Longhead – a yellow tabby tom with blue eyes

    Pricklefang – a tabby tom with long fangs

    Lionmane – a golden tom with a lion’s mane

    Flamepelt – a ginger tom with green eyes

    Fuffytail – a yellow tabby she-cat

    Apprentice Whitepaw – a white she-cat

    Longtooth – a dark tabby she –cat who looks a lot like tigerstar

    Ligerheart – a black and orange striped tom with a lion’s mane and aqua eyes

    Firesong – a ginger she- cat with aqua eyes


    Whitefrost – a white tabby she cat

    Leaffall – a brown tabby she cat

    Sandfire– a dark ginger shecat

    Springpelt – a yellow she cat with white patches


    Smalltail – a black tom

    Smalltooth – a white tom

    Smallfrost – a brown she - cat

    Smallpoppy – a brown she – cat


    Leader – Zipstar – A ginger tabby with lighter ginger patches and black

    Depudy – Darkwater - A dark tabby she - cat

    Medicen Cat – Shadowfall – A dark tabby she - cat

    Rosefall – a cream she – cat

    Redclaw – a dark ginger tom with a red claw


    One dark and stormy night a clan was built. The clan’s name is SquirrelClan and their leader’s name is Squirrelstar. Their main diet is squirrels and eagles. They also eat mountain lions.

    Chapter 1

    The kits were playing with their fresh-kill. “Stop playing with your fresh – kill!” said their father Fishhead. The kits names are Smallkit, Crookkit, Warmkit, Moonkit, Nomkit, and Shekit. Their mother is Whitefrost. They are one moon old. Fishhead was in Fishclan. While he was in Fishclan, he took Whitefrost as a mate. So he moved from Fishclan to SquirrelClan.
    Chapter 2
    Two kits named Speedkit and Rushingkit were dosing on the sunning stones. Speedkit and Rushingkit are gray tabbies with green eyes.
    Chapter 3
    The kits want to be apprentices they are now six moons old. “All cats old enough to catch there own prey come beneath Leaf – Pile for a clan meeting” said Squirrelstar “ it is time to welcome 8 new apprentices Shekit,Crookkit, Nomkit, Warmkit, Smallkit,Moonkit,Speedkit, and Rushingkit you all have reached your sixth moon so from this moment in till you earn your warrior name. Shekit you will be know as Shepaw your mentor will be Fishhead. Crookkit you will be know as Crookpaw your mentor will be Flamepelt. Nomkit you will be know as Nompaw your mentor will be Lionmane. Warmkit you will be know as Warmpaw your mentor will be Pricklefang. Smallkit you will be know as Smallpaw your mentor will be Longhead. Moonkit you will be know as Moonpaw your mentor will be Lionhead. Speedkit you will be know as Speedpaw your mentor will be Whitefrost. Rushingkit you will be known as Rushingpaw your mentor will be Leaffall.”

    Chapter 4
    “Whitepaw come forward” said Squirrelstar “From this moment on you will be known as Whitewhisker.” “Whitewhisker!” Chants her mother Smallpoppy. “Whitewhisker!” Then the rest of the clan joins in. Sandfire walks to Squirrelstar. “Should I take out a hunting patrol or no?” She asks. “Yes. The fresh – kill pile needs restocked.” Said Squirrelstar.

    Chapter 5
    While hunting Sandfire caught 100 mice, 499 rabbits, 25 fish. She ran back to camp with something important. “Squirrelstar, hurry!” she said. Than added, “IT IS IMP0RTANT! THERE IS FOX AND BAGER!” Squirrelstar hurried out of the den. “Firesong, Ligerheart, Speedpaw, Rushingpaw, and Sandfire go and find them and chase them out! Kits stay in camp” Then she thought of something important her kits! What would she tell the clan! That she, leader of SquirrelClan, fell in love with the leader of ZipClan.
    Chapter 6

  78. (lol ok wavey! hey, you guys can ost for it too. idc lol as long as its you know, not too life-changing lol)

    Jetkit sat where he was completely frozen. Until he felt someone nudge his back. He turned and was faced by the beautiful Fernkit. He felt his ears burn and he smiled a little.
    "hi Fernkit." he mewed easily, despite his embarrassment.
    Brightspark growled under her breath and Jetkit looked back at HighStones. Redstar had reappeared and had begun speaking again.

    "all cats listen and listen well. i will not repeat this. Jetkit, come forward. Maplekit come forward. Birchkit come forward." Redstar said with an unmistakable mix of dread and sadness. She hated to do this but it must be done. They were only one moon away, but kits were kits. and Jetkit and Maplekit were her sister Sunspots'. If they were harmed or killed, she didnt know what she would do.

    Jetkit eagerly bounded forward and away from Sunspots rasping tounge. Maplekit followed, and Birchkit tailed after her.
    Together the 3 of them stood as straight and tall as they could and Redstar leaped down and landed softly in front of them.
    "Jetkit from this day forward you shall be known as Jetpaw. Please protect your clan well." Redstar mewed. "Nightwhisper, teach this young apprentice your skills of ambush and loyalty well." Nightwhisper nodded and touched noses with his new apprentice.

    Maplepaw, Jetpaw, and Birchpaw all stood proudly beside their new mentors. Maplepaw had recieved Palesun as her mentor and Birchpaw had recieved Ravenfrost as his.

    "isnt this exciting, Birchpaw?!" Jetpaw laughed, giving a little bounce.
    "i guess." Birchpaw shrugged.

    ~a moon later with no sign of the dog pack~
    Jetpaw grunted as he landed in his nest heavily. "i never. ever. ever. EVER. want to leave this nest. my paws are killing me!" he complained, his eyes closed.
    Fernpaw smiled and removed a piece of bracken from his fur.
    "dont worry. we'll be warriors soon." she reassured, licking his ear.
    Jetpaw smiled and purred. In his nest, Birchpaw felt something stir within him. He wasnt sure what it was but it was there. He was angry with Jetpaw for taking Fernpaw away from him. That was probably what had caused something small deep within him to snap. He took a breath to say something when shreaks and yowls broke out followed by vicious barks and snarls.
    Jetpaw leapt to his paws and shot out of the Apprentice den almost on Autopilot. What he saw caused his blood to run cold.

    What Redstar feared most had happened. The dogs were here.

